Coffee is undoubtedly one of the most popular drinks throughout the whole world. Some people really like the taste of it and some people drink it for waking themselves up. Whatever the reason be, you will find a lot of people drinking coffee. There are a lot of varieties that a coffee can be brewed and served in. Coffee is usually served hot, but there is iced coffee too. The main content of coffee is caffeine, which is a central nervous system stimulant and like many of you would have experienced, it gives you an energy boost to get through the laziness that you face in the morning. So, coffee plays a vital role in everyone’s daily life and that’s what raises the need of having a coffeemaker or espresso maker. With this guide, you’ll be able to get the absolute best option for your needs!

Why buy an automatic machine?

Speciality Coffees

Enjoying a speciality drink, does not mean you can make it. Without a coffee machine you are limited to pots of brewed coffee. An automatic coffee machine gives you all the speciality drinks you want at the touch of a button.

Make Fresh Coffee

Gone are the days of making a pot of coffee and leaving it percolating on the hotplate for hours on end. This over-brewing will destroy the taste and leave you with little more than a sour caffeine injection.

Use Fresh Beans

Roasted coffee beans will hold their freshness much better than after you grind it. The grinding process will release the oils and flavours that give coffee its taste. An automatic coffee machine should have an in-built grinder which grinds the coffee to order each time you use it. This gives you a fresh tasting coffee each time you use it.

Free Choice of Coffee

Your automatic machine can still use any beans you want. You can still treat yourself to an exclusive roast from an artisan roaster or test new beans you found in a market, the possibilities are endless.


Automatic coffee machines are getting faster and faster with some preparing cappuccinos in under a minute.


An automatic machine is programmed to make coffee to pre-set specifications. Although this scientific approach may take the ‘heart’ out of coffee making, it means there is no room for the mistakes that untrained coffee drinkers will make.


It’s certainly more an issue for offices, but safety can be a real concern when using a manual machine. The process of manually making coffee involves plenty of hot water, often steam being fired out of a hot metal wand. I am not suggesting that your employees can not use a kettle, but accidents happen and the larger the more coffees you make the more scope there is for injury.


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