Compression socks and stockings are designed for compression therapy. They apply gentle pressure to your legs and ankles, promoting blood flow from your legs to your heart. Compression socks can also reduce pain and swelling in your ankles and legs.
Compression stockings are specialized socks that can be worn from the foot to the knee or thigh. In some cases, they come in the form of tights that reach up to the waist. They also come as “sleeves”, footless socks that stretch from the ankle to the knee. These specialized stockings have a gradient of pressure (tighter in the foot and gradually less so toward the knees or thighs.) When worn properly, these stockings reduce swelling in the feet and also improve venous circulation in the legs.
Compression stockings or socks are a conservative method of treating disorders such as Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), varicose veins, lymphedema and Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) and they can also help prevent blood clots from forming in the legs. It is important to know that compression socks do not eliminate varicose veins. They just help control the discomfort that vein disease can cause.
Your doctor may prescribe compression socks to:
- boost circulation in your legs
- support veins
- prevent blood from pooling in your leg veins
- diminish leg swelling
- reduce orthostatic hypotension, which causes lightheadedness or unsteadiness when you stand
- help prevent venous ulcers
- prevent development of deep vein thrombosis in your legs
- help lessen the pain caused by varicose veins
- reverse venous hypertension
- improve lymphatic drainage
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